Year -Driver, Number,Owner
1991 -David Hesmer, 1,Action Auto Racing
1992 -Garry Lee Maier 11x,Jimmie Rogers
1993 -Garry Lee Maier, 11x,Jimmie Rogers
1994 -Lee Nelson, 26,Bob Brody
1995 -Danny Lasoski, 45,Ray Lipsey
1996 -Terry McCarl, 51,Brad Gray
1997 -David Hesmer,11,Ergenbright Motorsports
1998 -Gary Wright,9,Gary Wright
1999 -Dennis Moore Jr.,71,Dennis Moore Jr.
2000 -Wayne Johnson,29J,Fred and Jo Threatt
2001 -Terry McCarl,24x,Terry McCarl
2002 -Jeff Swindell,6s,Don Goodson
2003 -Dennis Moore Jr.,75x,Doug Brown
2004 -Billy Alley,22,Stewart and Susette Alley
2005 - Billy Alley, 22, Stewart and Susette Alley
2006 - Jesse...